At healthybaby, sustainability is a key factor in every decision we make. Even if it means our bottom line is a little smaller, we choose to do what’s better and safer for the environment. From developing the first-ever EWG Verified disposable diaper to reducing single-use plastics to improving cloth diapers, we do all we can to keep the environment cleaner and diapers safer for the next generation.
Here are a few of the ways we make every day Earth Day:
Less waste, more natural materials. Cloth diapers are easier on the environment in general, and healthybaby's versions are the most sustainable of them all. We encourage all our members to give ours a try, even just for one change a day.
We are changing diapers in more ways than one. After years of research and hundreds of lab tests, we created the safest disposable diaper on the market. Our sustainable materials and responsible manufacturing practices make our diapers truly revolutionary.
Our mantra at healthybaby is ‘fewer, better things.’ That means reducing waste and clutter, and ensuring that the things we do choose to introduce to our environment are safe, high quality, and serve a purpose (or perhaps even more than one!). Make your home a healthynest by reducing single use plastics, avoiding harmful chemicals, and reusing household items in creative ways.